This means that staff have completed training in twilight sessions after school and therefore are not required to be in school for this training day.

This is something that is common to most secondary schools. Students are allowed home at lunchtime in order to allow staff to mark the leaving of current teachers. Buses are requested to come early but are not always able to. Staff are available to supervise students who are unable to go home safely.

On the website go to “curriculum”, “departments” and then each subject is listed and on each subject page is a keystage link (eg – KS3 – YR 7) that will take you to the learning journeys.

There are 3-5 tracking points per year and a parents’ evening. Tracking shows the number of “Friday fives” that each student has received as well as attendance and subject scores. Planners also contain comments from staff and parents are welcome to email subject teachers and / or the achievement team with any further queries (emails are all on the website on the contacts page).

Incidents are rare and the school takes bullying very seriously. An adult should be informed immediately when someone is being bullied or in distress.

Students should report any incidents of bullying they witness. Doing nothing can suggest support for the bully. If a student does not feel they can talk to an adult; each form has a peer mentor and/or student leader who they could tell and have the information passed on for them.

Parents/carers can report incidents of bullying by calling the school or e-mailing the House Achievement Team. Once an incident of bullying has been reported to the Achievement Team the incident will be investigated in school and parents/carers will be kept updated with developments.

Not all bullying incidents are the same and each incident will be treated equally and independently. An example of how an incident of bullying could be dealt with in school is shown as part of the anti-bullying policy on the website.

FOSH: The Parent Teacher Association is known as Friends of Sherburn High School (FOSH).

The aim of the Association is to support the School during events and to raise additional funds to help pay for items to which the School budget cannot stretch.

Any parent with a child currently attending School is invited to join FOSH. As well as parents, the group includes a number of teachers and a representative from the School leadership team.

The website has details of workshops, parents’ evenings, celebrations and performances.

Yes: Parent View gives you the chance to tell OFSTED what you think about your child’s school.

Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. OFSTED will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect and when. A screencast demonstrating how to register and complete a survey on Parent View is available on the How to use Parent View page.

By sharing your views, you’ll be helping our school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about our school. Or, if you want to, view the results for any school in England.

Please do go on Parent View and let Ofsted know how great Sherburn High School is!

A report is sent to parents by the end of term one in year 7 explaining setting / streaming for each curriculum area.

If your child is absent we must be told the reason why on the first day of  absence and each subsequent day. Please contact school before 9:00am.

You can contact the school Attendance Officer on 01977 687959.

Also, on your child’s return to school, please ensure that you confirm the  reason for their absence by sending an absence note or write in your child’s planner.

Absences are followed up promptly by Achievement Teams and the Attendance Officer.

If an absence remains unexplained for more than one week after your child’s return then your child's absence will be coded as unauthorised. This will remain on your child’s records.

There is an Attendance booklet on the website with further guidance.

On the website – students – school meals.