About SHS

About Sherburn High School

Sherburn High School is situated in an attractive position on the western fringes of the village of Sherburn in Elmet, which lies in the M1/A1/A64 corridor between Leeds and York. First class housing and education choices, and a wide range of leisure opportunities are also available. We are a thriving school community that is big enough to deliver but small enough to care.

The school boasts a sports hall and gymnasium, large playing fields and an indoor heated swimming pool. The school offers an extensive range of lunchtime clubs and activities. The school aims to create and maintain a happy and purposeful working atmosphere through good quality relationships between students, staff, parents, governors and the community at large.

To create an Ambitious, Respectful Community where “Achievement for All” is inevitable


  • Providing an entitlement to challenging and enjoyable learning experiences
  • Having high expectations of everyone regardless of their background or starting point
  • Developing confident, ambitious and determined learners who take pride in everything they do
  • Ensuring that everyone feels safe, secure and happy to be at school
  • Promoting the acquisition of life skills and a growth mind-set
  • Valuing and celebrating individual progress and effort
  • Supporting, guiding and inspiring each individual in order to maximise their potential
  • Expecting personal responsibility and respect for others
  • Developing strong partnerships with other schools and the wider community

Students have 32.5 weekly hours in school, plus extra curricular time after school

Activity Times
Warning bell for students  8.25 am 
Period 1 8.30 am - 9.00 am 
Period 2 9.00 am - 10.00 am 
Period 3 10.00 am - 11.05 am 
Break 11:05 am - 11:20 am 
Period 4 11:20 am - 12:25 pm 
Lunch (30 Minutes) or Period 5 (1 Hour) 12:25 pm - 1:55 pm 
Period 6

1.55 pm - 3.00 pm

Students should always be commended for good behaviour. We want to help students make the right choices. At Sherburn High School we believe that students learn by praise, reward and celebration of achievement. The list below illustrates the various rewards that are given out in school. 

● Verbal and non-verbal praise by staff. 

● Positive letters /calls/ emails/ E-postcards home from school to families. 

● Achievement points and events awarded by staff for positive behaviours which are used in year group assemblies. 

● Public recognition of achievement: Head’s Letters, press releases and on our social media pages. 

● Group achievement recognition:Celebration breakfasts,  Form competitions and Inter-House trophies and other competitions. 

● Super 6’s - staff nominate students to receive a prize awarded by the Headteacher. 

● Lucky Dip Super 6 is another chance for students with Super 6 slips to be picked out of a lucky dip and to receive more recognition and an additional reward. 

● Celebration Assemblies in Year Groups. 

● Sherbie Awards evenings- celebration of success. 

● Prom - students reaching the end of Year 11 whose effort has met our expectations will be invited to attend the school prom. 

For educational trips/visits and reward trips good behaviour is extremely important for health and safety reasons. We will endeavour to make all reasonable adjustments to facilitate students participating in trips or visits that are directly related to the curriculum and their learning. Please see our Behaviour for Learning policy for more details: Behaviour for Learning Policy - Sherburn High School

During the time students are with us at Sherburn High we believe that it is very important that a spirit of trust and co-operation is built up between teachers, parents/carers and students.  This agreement sets out some of the specific ways in which we can all play our part to achieve this positive atmosphere expressing the willingness of all concerned to work together for the benefit of all young people in the school.

The school will

  •  provide a caring, supportive environment in which each individual is valued
  • provide a full and balanced curriculum which, as far as is possible, educates each student to the best of their ability
  • provide records and information about each child’s educational progress as well as the child’s development in other areas of school life.
  • arrange regular meetings with each child’s teachers and be available at other times when concerns or questions arise, keeping parents/carers informed about problem areas.
  • refer students to external agencies where additional support may be needed with parental/student consent. Agencies can offer advice and information to young people without the consent of a parent/carer but will always aim to involve parents/carers where possible.

Parents will

  • ensure that their child attends school regularly and punctually, avoiding holidays during term time and providing school with a note to cover any absence
  • arrange any appointments out of school hours
  • support and work with the school and encourage a positive attitude to education
  • support the Behaviour for Learning policy of the school
  • support the school ethos of home learning, discussing it with their child when signing the student planner each week
  • ensure that their child meets school requirements regarding uniform and general appearance and has appropriate equipment for each day
  • let the school know of any concerns about their child’s education, attend meetings at school to discuss progress and to learn about the work of the school, inform school of any factors which may affect their child’s performance in school
  • ensure that their child attends any after school detentions that are issued and can get home safely
  • support School Policies

To help us achieve our aims we have agreed a set of rules for around the school, these rules form part of our Behaviour for Learning Policy and students are expected to follow them at all times. Our Relentless Routines are:

-On arrival to school we go to our designated bus room (8:00-8:20am) and then to our form rooms
-We enter classrooms and stand behind our chairs.
-We place our equipment, including our planners and pencil cases, on the desk. 
-We leave classrooms by standing behind our chairs and waiting to be dismissed. 
-We walk on the left-hand side of corridors and don’t congregate on corridors or stairwells. 
-We leave classrooms by standing behind our chairs and waiting to be dismissed.
-We use the one way system and do not go in out of bounds areas.
-We don’t wear coats when in lessons or walking around the school. 
-We only access lockers at the start of the school day, break/lunch times or the end of the school, not at lesson changeover.
-When a member of staff begins to count down, using “3,2,1” we become silent and listen for instructions. 
-At the end of the school day we are dismissed by year group.

Homework should be handed in on the date requested. Failure to do so will result in sanctions including a detention. Failure to hand in 3 homework's in any week will result in a text to your parents informing them of this situation.

Homework is both important and necessary. Homework done regularly throughout secondary school can be equivalent to an additional year of study!

Try to do your homework at the same time each day in a quiet place where you are free from distraction.

You are likely to achieve more by working regularly for relatively short periods (say 1 hour at a time) than in a single long session when your concentration will lapse.

Please refer the School Uniform page here

The School Planner
ALL students are required to use the school planner properly each day. This is essential equipment. Regular checks are made by Form Tutors to see that all students are using planners correctly to record homework. The planner is also an excellent means of communication between home and school and should be signed each week by parents/carers. 


Ready to Learn: Equipment

Starting the day with the correct equipment is fundamental to a successful day.

Students will need the following equipment:

2 blue/black pens
A pencil
A ruler
An eraser
A yellow highlighter pen
A red pen
A glue stick
A blue or black whiteboard pen
A reading book
A scientific calculator (Casio FX83GT or Casio FX85GT)

Please ensure that students’ school bags are large enough to carry their equipment and exercise books (which are predominately A4 in size)

Please refer the Behaviour Policy on our policy page here