
Homework is a key aspect of learning at Sherburn High School. Homework is used to strengthen and deepen knowledge in all key stages and promotes resilience, achievement and independence in learning.

Homework will be set by the class teacher and students will write the task and deadline into their planners. Homework may also be set on Google Classroom as a reminder for students, with any additional materials required to complete the homework. Homework tasks will clearly link to learning and will be checked by teachers or through self/peer assessment. 

Homework tasks can include:

  • Extended written pieces
  • Research
  • Planning activities for an upcoming lesson
  • Reading a text
  • Creating revision materials
  • Quizzes
  • Exam questions
  • A creative task
  • Knowledge retrieval tasks
  • Recall tasks

In Key Stage 3, homework will be set as follows:

Core subjects – English, Maths and Science – weekly

Non-core subjects – fortnightly

In Key Stage 4, homework will be set weekly in all subjects.

In Key Stage 5, students receive an hour of independent learning for every hour taught.  This can be in the form of independent reading, essay planning and writing, research, quizzes etc. 

Parents/carers can support the completion of homework through:

  • Providing a suitable area at home for the completion of homework.
  • Encouraging students to complete homework before the deadline.
  • Checking planners and checking students have completed the homework.
  • Asking to see completed homework.
  • Asking teachers for an update at progress evenings.
  • Reminding students they can use the library during lunchtime or after school, or homework club, to complete their homework.

If homework is incomplete or not completed, students will be given a deadline to complete the task. If homework is still incomplete or not completed a consequence will be issued. As a result of repeated missed homeworks a consequence may be issued such as referral to homework club or attendance at period 7 or departmental detention.